Wednesday, May 28, 2014

6 months

Weigh: 16.8 lbs
Height:28 inches

Still nursing 6-7 times a day (and night)
Eating lots of big girl food now!
Chunk of banana every morning

Whole green beans (1) at night

Pureed carrots

Pureed peas

Mashed avocado

Right before the teefers popped, sleep was AWFUL!  As in up every 90 minutes awful.
You still aren't very consistent with your sleeping.  Some nights you are up once and other nights it might be 3-4 times.  And very inconsistent times too.  Sometimes 10pm, sometimes not until 2am or 4 am.
And then there are the naps.  Oh the naps!  You still don't take them ;)
You might snooze for 15-20 minutes in the car in the morning.
Naps in the crib in the afternoon are a fight.  It usually involved crying for 15-20 minutes, falling asleep for 15-20 minutes and then repeating the process. 

You love my water bottles and beg to hold one if I am drinking out of it in front of you.
You love your frog walker.  You love to move around.

Giving big kisses to mama.
Helping mama with laundry.
going to Target to find new toys

MWF are our Stroller Strides mornings.  I workout and you people watch from your stroller.

Tuesdays are Music class.
Fridays are play group.
Going to visit Glamma and the chicks in kindergarten.

We went to the MKE zoo with daddy.  You loved to watch all the kids more than the animals.

two bottom teeth: May 16, 2014

waving: May 9, 2014
rolling to tummy in crib (which usually results in crying): May 20, 2014
scooting backwards (pushing back with your arms): May 24, 2014

Oh my sweet little girl,
You are such a funny one!  We love watching your little personality develop every day.  You are definitely a strong-willed little lady.

You are always such a happy girl and have the biggest smiles on your face a majority of the time.  But when you're unhappy, you let everyone know it!  (but it usually doesn't last too long)

You are getting so strong and pushing yourself up on your arms.  You get very frustrated that you can't move on your belly quite yet.  You like to cruise around the house in your walker so you don't understand why you can't move as fast on your belly.

Your bottom two teeth popped like nobody's business.  In fact, we didn't even know it!  Daddy had to call me to ask if I knew you had two little teefers (I didn't!  Mom of the year here!)  They don't seem to bug you too much and I hope that trend continues.

You enjoy sleeping on your side or your belly at night.  Nap time usually doesn't happen too often around here.  You are afraid you will miss something exciting!  (News flash: you won't.  You see this face (aka mine) 24/7 and it hasn't changed, so you are definitely not missing a thing)

I still cannot believe that you are 6 months old!  While it seems like just yesterday that you were a little 7lb 13oz peanut, I can barely remember when you were that tiny.  While I loved that you would just nap on my lap all day, I love playing with you and all your facial expressions and conversations you have.  (You're currently talking up a storm to your Daddy and all of your toys)

You make us laugh every single day.  Daddy keeps saying that you get funnier and funnier every day.

I love you to the moon and back!


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