Saturday, June 29, 2013

20 Weeks! We're halfway there!

"Whoa we're half way there, oh oh livin on a prayer" Anyone else start singing Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" when reading the title of this post?  No?  Just me?  

Baby is the size of a banana! He/She is 6.5 inches long and weighs 10.2 ounces.  His/her taste buds have developed (hope you've been liking that ice cream!  (and salads too, it hasn't all been sweets)

How far along? 20 weeks!
Maternity clothes?I can still fit into a few pre-preggo dresses, but my shirts are getting too small and soon my tank tops will be too short.  I need to go back to Target and get some more shirts.
Stretch marks? Not yet, but this belly is a-growing
Sleep: I'm back to waking up at least once a night, mainly because my hips start to hurt from sleeping on the same side for so long
Best moment this week: chatting with my Soulmate on the phone this week.  I haven't seen her since week 11, so I'm so excited that she is coming to the party next week!  I really wish we were still in IL because I miss all of my friends
Miss Anything? life without back pain!
Movement:I still haven't felt those flutters that everyone talks about.  Every once and awhile I'll feel a few bubbles popping, but I've heard that with your first pregnancy, it could take awhile to feel anything.  Yesterday when I felt the popping, I would push on my stomach and then about 15 seconds later, another bubble would pop.  I think someone was mad I was pushing on him/her.
Food cravings: I really haven't had an official pregnancy craving. 
Got in 2 jogs this week, but they were more like wogs.  There was a lot of walking.  I think that was because I switched shoes.  I had the worst shin splints, so that caused a majority of the walking and not the belly.
Moms Into Fitness 2nd trimester cardio and strength workout every other day
Pregnancy Bar Method DVD a few times (opposite days of strength and cardio), although this workout hurts my hips sometimes.
Lots of walks with my little ladies, Lucy and Maddie
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week
Have you started to show yet: Oh it's a big belly and everyone likes to tell me that it will only get bigger (well obvi, this peanut is not going to stay 6 inches forever).  I feel huge around other preggo women who are still super tiny and not that far behind me.
Gender prediction: This is the second to last post that will be a guess.  In just a week, we will know if we're having a handsome little man or a pretty little lady (I've guessed both, girl in the beginning and boy as of late, so who knows!)
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: Back pain, stomach cramps this week because we're hitting the growth spurt
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: MoOdY.  I'm very overwhelmed with everything baby right now.
Looking forward to: We get to see baby on Monday at our ultrasound!  Then next week all of our friends and family will come to our house to find out if it's a little man or a little lady!  But in the meantime, we have lots of cooking and cleaning to do before everyone comes over.

Dearest Little One,

Your big party is coming up soon!  We have been looking forward to this ultrasound for months now, but I am so nervous!  While, yes, we've had three ultrasounds and heard the heartbeat at week 16, seen the pictures, watched this belly get big, it still doesn't feel real.  Maybe once we know if you're a boy or a girl, it will become a little more real.  And we're really looking forward to both of us being able to feel you move in there.  Right now you are very selective and don't even like me to feel you most of the time.  Just a stubborn little one, like your mama and your daddy.

Your car seat and stroller came this week.  Maddie and Lucy do not like either of them.  I hope they will feel differently once you are here, but right now they don't like all of your stuff.  I know we jumped the gun on getting both the car seat and the stroller.  The stroller especially since we won't use it for another 9 months to a year, but when Britax says that if you buy the stroller, they'll give you the car seat for free?  You jump on that.

I've been reading on my email newsletters that you can begin to cover your ears when you hear loud noises.  With all the little kids and squirrels running around, I'm sure you hear Maddie and Lucy barking and immediately cover your little ears.

I'm going out with work friends on Monday right before your ultrasound and plan on drinking some pop to get you moving in there, so please don't be stubborn because I don't feel like spending the whole day with the ultrasound tech!

Your Mama

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