Sunday, June 23, 2013

19 weeks

AWFUL picture this week.  Between the 2 hours in the car, the not feeling well/being stressed out, the frizzy hair, the windy day, and that color of that tank top, it's just all around AWFUL which need to be in CAPS.  But I'm not about to go out and take another picture because it's not going to be any better.

Baby is the size of a mango! He/She is 6 inches long and weighs 8.5 ounces (over half a pound! Now if only that were the amount of weight that I have gained)

How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes siree bobcat tail (I don't even get that expression, but it's been around since before we were kids).  I can still fit into my workout shorts and some of my tank tops, but the belly is here to stay for the next 5 months, so regular clothes aren't going to cut it.
Stretch marks? nope, just itchy, but using my stretch mark oil
Sleep: I'm back to waking up at least once a night, mainly because my hips start to hurt from sleeping on the same side for so long
Best moment this week: going back to IL to see family and Marquette friends at Mike and Emily's housewarming party
Miss Anything? life without back pain!
Movement: debatable.  Around 4pm every day (usually when I am finally sitting and relaxing), I feel bubbles popping.  Now women typically say that it feels like butterflies in your stomach.  What the F does that mean?  And what is that supposed to feel like?  To me, butterflies in your stomach is that really nervous feeling you get before you have to give a speech or sing a solo (both of which I've done and nervous butterflies/stomach doing back flips feeling felt).  And I say "debatable" because this could easily just be gas. 
Food cravings: I really haven't had an official pregnancy craving. 
Got in 2 jogs this week
Moms Into Fitness 2nd trimester cardio and strength workout every other day
Pregnancy Bar Method DVD three times (opposite days of strength and cardio)
Lots of walks with my first born, Lucy and Maddie
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week
Have you started to show yet: I feel huge, but others say that isn't so.  When you look down at this belly all day (notice how my feet have disappeared!), it's easy to think that you're humungo. 

Bye, bye feet

Gender prediction: I'm done guessing.  We'll see in 2 weeks at the big reveal!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: Back pain.  And the bubbles
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week.  The stroller and car seat are being shipped from Amazon as we speak (Britax B-Ready stroller and Britax B-Safe car seat) and the party is coming together! (But also super stressed out because we can't find a crib)
Looking forward to: Our 20 week ultrasound is Monday, July 1st.  It seemed so long ago when I made the appointment at 12 weeks, but it's just around the corner!  Although now the days are dragging since we're looking forward to it.
Saturday, July 6th we'll all find out what Baby Loeffler is!  We love to throw parties. Andrew loves to cook, I love to eat, so we're the perfect combo.  But this party is going to be the best one yet and we hope you can come! 

It was an uneventful week.  It was my first full week as a stay-at-home-incubator and was filled with lots of cleaning.  I should really pace myself because by Tuesday I had already cleaned the bathrooms, organized the pantry, vacuumed, moved stuff to the basement, and cleaned the kitchen.  

We had a great weekend back in IL to see the Marquette group and I'm so excited that most of them will be able to come up to our house for the party.  (Funny how all of Andrew's friends could make it up but only a handful of mine are actually making the trip, sad)

We came home to two gardens that needed some tending to and a TON of strawberries!

That mesh strainer is pretty deep.  We filled up two bowls outside and will have to pick again in two days.  Good thing the raspberries aren't ripe yet or we'd be swimming in berries over here!

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