Sunday, June 2, 2013

16 weeks

Or could be titled "You might be having twins!"

And yes, I am wearing ALL maternity clothes.  Tank, shirt, capris, ALL of it.  We're officially big.

BABY is the size of an avocado!  Weighing in at 3.5 ounces and measuring at 4.6 inches, he/she can hear mama's voice :)

Note that I put "BABY" all in caps so that you would know that there is, in fact, just one little peanut in there and not two.  I will explain the subtitle for this post later. 

How far along? 16 weeks
Maternity clothes? oh lordy, I need to start stocking up on bigger clothes because nothing fits anymore. 
Stretch marks? None yet, but my belly is starting to get a little itchy at night, so I think I need to become more diligent with my stretch mark oil.
Sleep:I've been sleeping through the night, but still exhausted by morning.  It's getting harder and harder to get those morning workouts in.
Best moment this week: taking a day off of work and coming back "home" (aka IL) and seeing my family and my bestest friend and her new little man.
Miss Anything? not feeling like I'm going to burst at night.  After I eat at night I just feel like I'm going to explode.  It makes for a very uncomfortable night.  I also miss just being able to sit without back pain.
Movement: Nope, but around this time is when I'll be able to feel him/her moving around.
Food cravings: apples, grapes, anything sweet
I really haven't gotten an official "pregnancy craving" yet.  There are lots of things that I think sound good at the time, but I could say that pre-pregnancy too.
Exercise: Exercise has been lacking this week because I've been so tired.  I helped Andrew spread a little more mulch (before all of you worry-warts and nay-sayers start freaking out, I'm just fine.  Andrew does the shoveling and I move it with the rake.  Or I fill a 5 gallon bucket when I'm moving it by myself.  So calm your face down).
Baby and I went for a jog this morning (Saturday) and it was rough!  I can tell that I'm getting bigger because it's getting harder to jog with this added weight.
I've tried doing more of the Bar Method video as well as using the Barre3 website.
I'm not sure if I'll go back to prenatal yoga.  It's just so expensive and it's hard to justify spending a couple hundred bucks on some class passes when we have so much to get for Baby.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week
Have you started to show yet: Oh my goodness.  Apparently I really "popped" this week because everyone has been commenting, hence the alternate post title.  One of my coworkers told me "well maybe you're having twins since you've gotten so big!"  Well after 3 ultrasounds, we're pretty sure that there's just one.  So no twins, I'm just large.  But thanks for that.
Gender prediction: Oh I just don't know.  We'll be finding out in 5 weeks at the gender reveal party (once I start planning more for that, I'll do a whole "gender reveal planning" post.  I'm really happy with our invites though.)  Daddy is convinced that it's a little boy.  I was thinking "girl" at the beginning, but Andrew is starting to rub off on me and we'll probably end up with a boy.  I'm not complaining either way because it is what it is and I can't change anything about it now (not like I could before), but I would love a little girl first.  We'll just have to wait and see!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: back pains are back!  And that horrible "I ate so much, I'm going to explode" stretched out, uncomfortable feeling at night.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: cranky with school.  It's just too hot and humid and my patience is out the window.
Looking forward to:Our 16 week appointment is this next Tuesday and then after my sweet coworkers are throwing me a mini baby shower!  I seriously work with the best team of women and I'm so happy that I got to know them and work with them this year. 

Dear Little One,

Oh my, have we gotten big this past week!  Even from yesterday to today my belly is bigger.  I hope it's you going through a growth spurt and not me gaining a ton of weight from eating.  Everyone has commented about how I just "popped" this past week. And I've even gotten a few "maybe you're having twins!" comments.  I try to laugh it off, but it makes me feel like I'm getting too big, even though every pregnancy is different.

You are certainly growing though because I can feel everything moving up into my ribs.  You've brought the back pain back and decided it needed to be accompanied by some right rib pain as well. Thankfully we only have 2 weeks of school left because it is getting harder to sit in those little chairs.

We (you and me, Daddy is in Texas and then Florida this week) are spending the weekend in Geneva with your Gma, Gpa, Uncle Sam and Auntie Lauren.  We went to school with Gma yesterday and everyone was very excited about you.  We also went and visited your Auntie Liz and her little man, John.  I wish we lived closer to them so that you two could be playmates.

Exactly one month from day (today being June 1st), we get to see you again for your 20 week ultrasound.  Then on Saturday, July 6, we will find out if you are a pretty little lady or a handsome little man!  Once school is over, we will be busy planning your party.

 On Tuesday I'll head to the doctor again to hear your little heartbeat and for our 16 week checkup.  Then, sweet little one, you're so lucky because my Allis teammates want to throw you a baby shower!  It will be our first one and I'm so lucky and thankful for such great coworkers who are so excited for you.

Love you, little one.  I'm still trying to get used to this whole "getting bigger" thing, but I hope it's just mostly you growing into a healthy baby.  Just please don't get too big. :)

Your mama

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