Sunday, May 5, 2013

9 and 10 weeks

9 weeks
April 13, 2013
Baby is the size of a green olive!  Now I don’t like olives, not one bit, but this is the cutest green olive I have ever seen.
How far along? 9 weeks
Taking out the weight gain portion because I’m having a hard enough time accepting this new body
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I have a feeling it will be sooner rather than later.
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: exhausted all the time.  I can’t breathe through my nose anymore at night, so I don’t sleep well and wake up at least 4 times a night
Best moment this week: getting that much closer to the 12 week point (if we can wait that long to share the news)
Miss Anything? regular exercise, breathing through my nose, not feeling sick at night
Movement: still too small
Food cravings: chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (I bought a carton last night and it was delicious; however, I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve nearly polished off the whole thing).  We’re going to Eno Vino tonight with Dan and Brittany and I can’t wait to get their french fries.
Exercise: I started doing more Jillian Michaels workouts (only weeks 1 and 2 of Ripped in 30 and taking it super easy).  It’s been tough though because I get so out of breath much quicker.
Anything making you queasy or sick: eating too much, working out early in the morning (gave me migraines this week)
Have you started to show yet: nope.  I can’t wait until it’s all baby that’s showing and not just bloat
Gender prediction: I am thinking that it will be a girl, but Andrew wants boys
Labor Signs: Way too early for that. 
Symptoms: first full-on migraine this week (auras and all), bloated, tired, queasy
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: excited
Looking forward to: getting to the double digits next week

Dear little one,

Once again, you are quite the little fighter and kicked my butt this week.  I’m thankful that you have not made me throw-up at all, but the migraine was a little much. 
It’s hard to believe that we’ve only know about you for just about a month because it feels like so much longer.  We are beyond thrilled to finally be pregnant that it makes the waiting game very difficult.  I can’t wait until you grow more (although you’ve already grown so much!) and I start to get a baby belly instead of just a fat belly.

I’ve been having a hard time adjusting to all the changes you are putting me through.  I have always struggled with my body and how I perceive myself and you are not making it very easy!  Your daddy has been so sweet to me, assuring me that I’m not getting fat and I’m beautiful, even though my clothes are getting tighter.

I’ve been reading a few different blogs over the past year and some of them talked about craving all these healthy things like fruits and veggies.  I’m still waiting for that with you.  Can you please want something of nutritional value?  Don’t get me wrong.  I love tortilla chips and BBQ chips just as much as the next person, but they aren’t doing much for us except giving me bigger thighs.  So that’s my one plea, something for you to ponder while you’re in there growing like a weed: request something of nutritional value so we can keep this weight gain under control!

Either way, I’ll always love you :)

Your Mama

10 weeks
April 20, 2013
There is some debate as to what food baby best represents this week: cherry, prune, kumquat: take your pick.
How far along? 10 weeks
Maternity clothes? I’m contemplating getting a belly band because this belly is starting to get out of control.  We’re to the point where sucking it in is hopeless.
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: tired, which makes me cranky.  Still getting up at least 2-3 times a night, once to go to the bathroom, the other times just because.
Best moment this week: reaching double digits!
Miss Anything? not getting out of breath from walking across a room and a turkey sandwich
Movement: still too small
Food cravings: I pretty much eat anything and everything which is exactly what I didn’t want to do when I got pregnant.
Exercise: I just bought a Bar Method DVD (both regular and a pregnancy one).  Andrew put a “ballet bar” (stair banister) in the basement for me.  I did the regular one this past Friday and my body is still hurting a day later
Anything making you queasy or sick: I’m feeling pretty good this week.  Although I wish that I was feeling sick because it would make me feel better, oddly enough.  I’ve started freaking out about miscarriage lately.
Have you started to show yet: I’m sure others will say no, but I’m feeling huge right now.  I officially can’t suck it in very much any more
Gender prediction: I am thinking that it will be a girl, but Andrew wants boys
Labor Signs: Way too early for that. 
Symptoms: bloated, occasional cramps, headaches
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: nervous
Looking forward to: telling our brothers they will be uncles!  And week 10 checkup!

I’m ecstatic to finally be in double digits.  We only found about about 5.5 weeks ago but it feels like an eternity.  I really want the next weeks to fly by because I’ve started to get very nervous about miscarriage.  Google really is a dangerous thing.  Although 2 weeks ago, Little One had a heartbeat of 171, there are still people who had a miscarriage weeks later.  We’ve wanted this for so long that I don’t think I could handle it if it all ended.  Everyone is just so excited about this little baby that I don’t know what I would do if the baby stopped growing.

I also have a horrible poker face.  The kindergarten team all know because most of them guessed.  I had wanted to wait at least two more weeks before telling them because now I’m getting paranoid about it.  There are lots of “what-ifs” running through my mind.  “What if I have a miscarriage? What will I tell people?” 

Everyone who knows me knows that I have a horrible sweet tooth.  I thought that once I got pregnant, I thought my mindset about food would change immediately.  I assumed that I would be so consumed with the need to do everything perfectly and follow all pregnancy health advice to a tee.  Well, not so much.  My eating habits haven’t changed that much. 

My other worry is a little more vain.  While I am beyond excited to be pregnant, I am terrified of getting bigger.  As someone who struggled with weight or body issues since high school, like many girls do, getting bigger and gaining weight is not something I am handling very well.  I am embarrassed to say that I have cried, no sobbed, on numerous occasions this week.  I had wanted to lose weight before getting pregnant and since I didn’t, I am even more freaked out about gaining weight.  I’m trying to get over it, but it’s hard to accept.

So this is my first update that has been riddled with baby/pregnancy worries and body issues.  I guess pregnancy isn’t all rainbows and sunshine, right?  I am so so excited and can’t wait to share the news, but I have jumped on the worry and paranoia bandwagon this week.  I hope week 11 brings more excitement. Maybe the next checkup will ease my worries a little.

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