Monday, May 27, 2013

15 weeks

taken at 15w2d

Once again, sorry for the horrible picture, but it was chilly so no front yard pic this week.  And I had wanted to take the picture on Saturday before we went to Wicked (when I actually had dressed up) but we ran out of time.  Oh well!
Baby is the size of a navel orange!  He/she is about 4 inches long and 2.5 ounces.

How far along? 15 weeks.  It doesn't sound like a long time when you say it, but I feel like I have been pregnant forever!  And we still have MANY weeks to go (not that I'm complaining at all, I enjoy it)
Maternity clothes? Since the weather has finally become spring-like, if not summer-like, I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy dresses.  However, I will need to start shopping for maternity workout gear because that is getting way too small
Stretch marks? none, yet, but I started using my stretch mark oil that other night just to keep them at bay.
Sleep:sleep has been good.  I have been exhausted this week!  Getting up in the morning has been hard
Best moment this week: making it to Friday at 3:17pm because the week lasted FOREVER.  And taking baby to his/her first musical at the Overture Center, Wicked!
Miss Anything?being able to eat like a normal person (I get full so quickly then just feel awful after I eat because I'm running out of room in there) and being able to walk short distances without getting out of breath
Movement: not yet, but I can't wait until Little One starts moving around more.  I've been waiting to feel those little flutters :)
Food cravings: pasta salad, apples and peanut butter, and fig newtons
On Wednesday or Thursday in the middle of the day, I suddenly decided that I must have a cookie.  A fig newton to be exact.
I really haven't gotten any strong cravings and I'm eating like I normally did.  Some things just sound good, but we could say that pre-pregnancy too ;)
Exercise: Little One and I went for 2 jogs this week (one our farthest yet! 2.78 miles! It's sad that I'm excited about that because 4 or 5 years ago I was running 4-5 miles every day and 7-8 on the weekends).
I went to my first prenatal yoga class at Dragonfly Hot Yoga (no it wasn't hot) with one of my very good friends who just happens to be pregnant, about 3.5 weeks behind me!  It was good, but just something to get used to.  I'm not used to doing yoga so slow.
I also started doing some of the videos on the Barre3 website.  Here is the free one I did that made my legs shake like crazy and it's only $15 a month for unlimited streaming.  I might be doing this more than taking the prenatal yoga classes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week
Have you started to show yet: we're sporting the belly now.  I wore a non-maternity dress the other day and I looked very pregnant.  Nearly everyone commented at school about how I had a baby belly now.  The lunch lady on Friday asked if I am pregnant.  I wanted to tell her "no" just to see the reaction, but I was nice and smiled and said "yes."
Gender prediction:Andrew calls the Little One a boy all the time and refers to it as "he."  I've caught myself saying "he" or "him" as well, but I think it's just because Andrew says it first.  I really don't have any strong feelings either way.  I would love to have a little girl first, but I don't get to decide, so whatever this little one is, I will be thrilled.
As I said last week, we decided to have a gender reveal party (so very trendy right now) in July to find out with the rest of our friends and family.
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: baby likes to try out every symptom on a one week trial basis.  This week has been cramping (I'll explain more).  Thankfully, baby doesn't like vomiting, so we haven't had to go through that symptom.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, but ready for school to be over.  I am just ready to be done.
Looking forward to: the three day weekend, school almost being over, and our 16 week appointment in June to hear baby's heartbeat.  Next week I head back to IL to see one of my bestest friends and her new little man who came into the world just a few weeks ago.

I've switched back and forth between writing a letter to the Little One and just writing about the past week.  I'm skipping the letter this week just to write about my random thoughts about week 14 going into 15.

I mentioned before that the symptom of the week has been cramping.  It's been getting more frequent and just uncomfortable.  On Thursday I got to school and just started sobbing because it hurt and I thought there might be something wrong.  After a tearful call to the doctor's office, I was told that it was probably just my uterus growing and nothing serious since I didn't have any other symptoms.  Thank you, small child.  Since then I have just been uncomfortable and feeling a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen.  I have a feeling we will be getting bigger this next week.

I'm excited that I actually look pregnant and not just pudgy, but I'm still in that awkward in between phase.  Also, word to the wise, NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant.  I don't care how pregnant she looks or if she's your best friend.  All I think when I get asked is "Wow, I must look really fat today."  And seriously, what would you do if someone told you "no"?  AWKWARD.

My bestest friend from college, also known as my soul mate, got baby his/her first outfit this week.  So adorable!

This will probably be a whole other post in and of itself, but I started our baby registries this past week.  OMG so stressful!  Between reading Consumer Reports and customer reviews, I'm a big ball of stress.  Not to mention how many things you need for such a tiny person!

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