Saturday, May 18, 2013

14 weeks!

This post can also be titled "Why Hello 2nd Trimester" or "Holy Back Pain!"

Could also be titled "Whoa Belly!"

And this picture only reminds me of the weight I didn't lose before baby :(

Baby is the size of a lemon and is 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces!  Baby's weight has doubled since last week!
How far along? 14 weeks
Maternity clothes? stocking up on maternity clothes.  I can still fit into most of my non-maternity dresses, but that won't last for long.  I got a new maternity skirt and a maternity tank this week.
Stretch marks? none, yet...
Sleep: sleep has been getting much better, but Andrew was out of town this last week so I let the girls sleep in bed with me.  Maddie decided it was time to play with her ball at about 4am every morning.
Best moment this week: making it to the 2nd trimester!!!
Miss Anything? sitting in little chairs to be able to do assessments or read to the kids or being able to sit in the car at the end of the day for my drive home.  My back is killing me!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: pizza, apples, peanut butter.
As much as I don't want to admit this, I'll share it.  I was walking the kids to gym the other day and smelled hamburgers (which is odd because they didn't have burgers for lunch) and for about 2 minutes all I could think about was how I wanted a hamburger... from McDonalds.  Gross, I know, and I don't even like burgers!  Don't worry, I didn't have one even though the french fries were super tempting and I pass it every day on my way to and from school.
Exercise: did a little jogging, some Jillian Michaels, and Bar Method.  I'm not exercising as much as I would like because I just don't have the time.  I can't wait until the school year is over and I can exercise whenever I want.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week
Have you started to show yet: the belly is starting to get bigger.  It grows throughout the day.  In the morning, I just look chubby, but my belly definitely gets bigger by the end of the day.  Depending on what I wear, you can tell I'm pregnant or you just think that I've let myself go.
Gender prediction: I'm still banking on girl and Andrew is banking on boy.  One of us is going to be right!  Our ultrasound is in the beginning of July and we just planned our gender reveal for July 6th!  Now I just hope people will actually be able to come to it.
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: refer to the title: Holy back pain!  OMG my back has been killing me this week.  After 11am, I have a hard time sitting.  I usually always sit with my fist pushing in my back trying to relieve some pressure.  It's making it hard to sit in the little chairs to work with my kids.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, although Andrew will tell you that I complain a lot, mostly about how big I'm getting.
Looking forward to: Our parents coming next week to see Wicked!  I hope that baby will let me sit through the show and how make my back hurt for the 3 hours.

Dear Little One,

You're really great at spreading these symptoms out.  I feel like we're running through all of them in the book, but you only like to make me suffer through each one for a few days to a week.  Your favorite one this week is awful back pain on my right side.  I really shouldn't complain because I didn't have very bad nausea or vomiting like other people I know, but, geez, you've been making it really hard for me to drive the 30 minutes home every day.

I created the invite for your gender reveal in 7 weeks.  We are so excited and can't wait to celebrate you!  Your daddy wants to find out at the ultrasound whereas I think I want to wait and find out with everyone.  Do you think he can keep a secret for 5 days?  I'm not so sure, but we have time to decide.

I'm still trying to get used to this whole "getting bigger" thing.  I didn't think I would start showing this soon, or at least I hoped I wouldn't, but you had other plans.  You're still just a little peanut, but I feel like my belly tells another story.  I am looking forward to the day when I look pregnant and not just chubby.  I feel like I have to walk around with my hand on my stomach so people think I'm pregnant and not just fat.

I'm trying to eat healthier for you and exercise, but I've always had a sweet tooth.  I think you may inherit that from me.  I apologize in advance.  Once my job title officially changes to "SAHM" (stay at home mom) in a month, I hope to exercise a lot more and really kick sugar to the curb.  I make no promises though.  If you could also stop making my thighs and butt bigger and just keep it to the belly where you are actually growing, that would be awesome.

I love you!
your mama

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