Sunday, May 12, 2013

13 Weeks

13 weeks 1 day

May 11, 2013
 Baby is the size of a peach this week and almost 3 inches long and 1oz!
How far along? 13 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have one maternity maxi dress and my mom gave me a long sleeved maternity shirt (already getting ready for the fall!) and a maternity dress from my favorite store, Target!
Stretch marks? none, yet...
Sleep: after I raved about how awesome my sleep was last week, I didn't sleep at all Monday night, but it's getting better again.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby being a sassy little thing on the 12 week ultrasound!  I can't wait until 20 weeks
I also had the best nurse when I went to my doctor's appointment.  I stepped on the scale and turned away and she didn't tell me my weight or write it down in front of me so she could put it in my chart.  She just kept it to herself, love her for that.
Miss Anything? clothes that fit!  It took me 15 minutes and about 4 or 5 shirts to finally find something to wear yesterday.  I can't wait until it's warm enough to wear dresses all the time.
Movement: still too small
Food cravings: apples, deli meat (that I can't eat!), tortilla chips and hummus
Exercise: we jogged 3 mornings this week (even made it to 2.5 miles at 10min/mile pace!), a little Jillian Michaels, a little Bar Method, and lots of walking.  I'm going to my first prenatal yoga class on Sunday.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of coffee is disgusting, but it always was for me.
Have you started to show yet: As big as I think I am by looking down, I just look like I ate about 4 cupcakes or 1.5 dozen cookies.  I'm just pudgy at this point.
Gender prediction: I had a very vivid dream right before the ultrasound that we found out it's a boy at 12 weeks.  So I don't know anymore.
Labor Signs: Way too early for that. 
Symptoms: bloated, tired, fat
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy :)
Looking forward to: 2nd trimester!  One more week and we're there :)

Dear Little One,

Oh my, aren't you a sassy, stubborn little thing?  Unfortunately, your daddy had to catch a flight to Omaha the day of your ultrasound, so he didn't get to see you.  You are the cutest little peanut.  You had your little ankles crossed, just chilling.  But I don't think you liked the technician pushing on you because you kept flailing your arms about. (I wish that she would have loaded these ultrasound pictures to my flashdrive.  I think she thought she did, but actually uploaded all the 4D pictures.)  Then she moved to the 4D ultrasound and that's when you decided that you were done and gave me a big "F you, mom."  You stuck your little butt out and turned away so we couldn't see your face. You are definitely your daddy's child because he was a sassy little thing when he was little too.

Not only did I get to see you moving about, we also found out that the chances of downs syndrome and trisomy 18 are both greater than 1/10,000.  You are growing on target for your due date of November 16.  I'm so happy that you are growing like you should and are healthy.  But I apologize in advance if you get my sweet tooth because it hasn't subsided while being pregnant like I was hoping it would.

Oh!  Yazmin, one of my little girls in my kindergarten class, gave you your first toy this week.  I told my kids a week ago and she decided that she needed to get you something.  You now have your very first bear!  And a family portrait of the three of us.  She thinks that you are going to be a boy with black hair (and I'm hoping it was a picture in the very far future because she definitely drew you as a 5 year old.  I'm not ready for you to be that big yet.) 

Your Mama

Heartbeat of 151

You've gotten so big in the past 4 weeks!

Sassy baby

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