Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to prepare for the 3-Day

So you're going to walk the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for breast cancer?  Well, those 60 miles are just a tiny part of it.  Have you been training for the past 24 weeks?  I sure hope so, otherwise, you're in for a world of hurt.  I hope you've been telling everyone you know that you're walking to help end breast cancer because raising $2300 is no easy feat either (ba-dum-ching!).

Oh and did I mention that you would be sleeping in a tent for two nights and wearing a huge fanny-pack for three days?  Surprise!  So let's get down to packing for this party because it took me forever to figure out what to bring and how to pack it.

Two pairs of shoes are a necessity.  And trust me, you will wear both pairs!   Because of course it will rain.  It's inevitable, so you'll need pair number two while pair number one is drying.  Speaking of rain, two pairs of socks are required every day.  Your feet will thank you :)

Ginormous fanny packs or backpacks.  Embarrassing, but you will wear it with pride.  You see, you're going to need to pack a lot of stuff in those bags for the whole day.  Water bottle, bandaids, extra socks, camera, phone, ponchos, the whole nine yards.

Kleenex, wet ones, face wash towelettes.  The kleenex because tears will be shed.  This event is so emotional that you can't help but cry.  Wet ones because, well, you're sleeping in a tent for the next three days and running water is limited.  Face wash towels for the same reason.

Bandaids, moleskin, first aid kit, foot powder.  Oh those blisters.  And you'll get blisters (unless you're me who came out unscathed!  Success!)  Andrew on the other hand had blisters galore, really gross ones.  We won't talk about it.  The moleskin we never used.  Oh well, better to be prepared.  First aid kit with tylenol, bandaids, etc.  Foot powder.  Your feet get sweaty and smelly, no pretty way to put it.

Other necessities not picture:
sleeping bags
water bottles

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